Return of the NSU directory

As mentioned in the post about the creation of this blog, my personal homepage used to be a sort of phone book for NSU sites.  Selecting a topic allowed the visitor to drill down to a page with an ever growing set of links that might help him (or her!) to find just that piece of information that was missing.  In the early days of the Internet, there were many such sites, most often due to the lack of search engines like we have today.

But even with these search engines, it is still not easy to find the information you need.  Most results are riddled with “sponsored links” (aka advertizing), and some results in the end have nothing to do with the specific topic you are looking for.  E.g. if you look up my name, you may find the manager of the Belgian bottled water company Spa, or an Air France pilot who crashed in 2009.  Looking for NSU, you will get flooded by hits related Norfolk State University, and worse, some lazy German newsman’s  report regarding the murders and trail of the NationalSozialistischer Untergrund using a stupid abbreviation that decreases the impact of that groups name.

So today I decided to try and revive my NSU Directory.  On the right site of the page you will find a link to the first attempt.  There is much work to be done to rebuild the index, so please bear with me as this effort is underway.  Luckily WordPress has various functions to automatically check for stale links, which should make my life a lot easier for managing these, and should improve the experience for you as a visitor.

I included the comment box on the index pages, so if you run into an issue, or can add a link I have not included yet, please let me now.

WordPress decided to remove the link functionality, and the Link Directory started failing. Luckily, the Internet community helped me restore the functionality, and I should be able to keep the NSU directory alive

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